D&D: For the next several hours, you are used by all the customers who pay for it

From Create Your Own Story

For the next several hours, you are humiliated and used as you have never been before. The bandit leader allowed special additions for the customers that payed extra and allowed more whips and other implements. Your breasts and nipples are whipped and licked while your pussy and cunt are filled up with dildos and cum.

Eventually they start to get bored of you and, little by little, the customers start to leave and soon the gambling hall is empty. When everyone's done, several of the bandits take you by the arms and toss you out a side entrance into an alleyway.

"Get out of my gambling hall, slut!" the bandit leader shouts as the doors close.

Weak and numb from your ordeal, you pass out on the cold ground. Fortunately, the cum and pussy juice decorating your body drip off while you were unconscious and nobody sees you. But in your mind, you're back in the nightmarish situation getting tortured by more people for their pleasure, a specially horrific scenario involving the elf mage catapults you to consciousness.

Weakly, you crawl over to a wall and push of it to a standing position. Your weak knees buckle several times before stabilizing and you can finally stand up straight. Draping your hands over your breasts, you try to figure out how to get to your house. Unfortunately the building is located several crossings from the gambling house. As you ponder your next move, your foot stumbles onto a thin metal covering blocking a tunnel entrance. Interesting, the metal covering is an entrance to the sewage system that runs through Waterdeep and you could theoretically navigate it to reach your home but monsters, undead and those hiding from the law dwell within.

You could also try to steal some clothes and walk home with them though it's unlikely that you would find anything that fit you especially with your breasts and that will draw attention to you and your condition but there's a chance you can find something fitting. Or could also keep going alongside the alleyway and hope to find your way home but the thieves and other unsavory individuals are known to lurk in dark corners. Finally you could use a teleportation magic and teleport home, the easiest and most dangerous way. With your mental condition, it's doubtful that you could correctly image your location and instead be transported somewhere else.

You decide to...

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