Corporate/Check your emails

From Create Your Own Story

You're feeling lazy. God knows Anaïs is a damn good receptionist - in a professional and personal sense - and she should be able to handle the onslaught of clients and corporate agents attempting to get through to you. It's been an especially useful talent of hers when you've needed time to yourself to explore her...other talents. Like that "O" thing she can do with her tongue...

So, now hazily, you start scrolling through your inbox, deleting all the ads directed towards lonely men - Man, if only we could get a rundown of the lonely men who are actually seeking companionship, that'd boost business - and referring the advertisements about SEO optimization to your Development Officer to see if any of them are actually worth exploring, or at least spelled correctly. Not the most exciting pasttime, and you'd really rather be...intimately... dressing down Anaïs for not dressing down enough, but you've whittled down the clutter soon enough.

It's 10:00 a.m., and you've got two emails that actually need to be addressed. Well, okay, "need" is a subjective term. One is from your boss, and if you don't want to incite Maliya's ire, you should probably get to responding to her before lunchtime. Then again, Maliya's wrath can be rather stimulating...and this other email from your newest - and youngest - intern, Jade, probably deserves your attention. After all, there sure are some things you'd like to teach that lithe little whip...and in fact, you'd already started her on some lessons...

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