Continue up the white stairs

From Create Your Own Story

You ascend until you find yourself standing on a fluffy white cloud, facing a beautiful woman dressed in fluttering white robes. Even without the halo hovering above her head, you would recognize her as an angel.

There are clouds drifting all around you, and angels of both genders are flying through the incredibly blue skies. Not far from you, an enormous, shining palace of gold and silver floats atop a cloudy mass. You don't see the stairs you climbed to get here.

"Welcome to Heaven," your angel says. "I am the angel who has watched over you during your time on Earth, and I have always been in love with you. Now that you have come here, we must get you fitted with your own wings and halo... but you might want to listen to the Heavenly choir first. Or... We could go to a private cloud and make love."

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