Choose your own Naruto Adventure- Go to P457

From Create Your Own Story

So, like you and Kiba had agreed, the two of you start to 'officially' date the next day.

You and Kiba get along well with each other despite some of his 'flaws' but heck, to you it is one of the things that had attracted you to him in the first place.

Your first kiss is by no means 'special' by the standards of romance novelists and film directors alike, just a simple tender little peck that lasted no longer than a no means is Kiba shy...and he has all the opportunities to prove it.

As time goes by, your knowledge on future events eventually runs dry and you tell Tsunade as much, but never to despair. You had after all performed a great service to the village and you are given permission to stay.

With some serious training and help from Kiba and the various friends you had made amongst the are finally able to call yourself a bonafide kunoichi. And by the time two years roll by, you have attained the rank of Chuunin as well as permission to teach at the academy.

You sigh in frustration at the end of another typical day, you had just gotten through a particularly nerve-crushing lesson (it seemed like all the annoying ones had found their way into your class...oh, but you are a patient teacher and you love your students). You hurry to pack up your things and leave, eager to get out and relax. No sooner had you left the building, you find yourself tackled to the ground by a huge something...with a big wet tongue...

"Hey, Akamaru..." You laugh.

"Hey, get off of her Akamaru, she's my girlfriend not yours." Kiba remarks as he approaches you and helps you up as soon as Akamaru backs away.

"Hey, baby..." He smirks. "Did you miss me?"

You nuzzle your face into the crook of his can you stay frustrated when being greeted with that?

"I'll take that as a yes..." He chuckles. "So, how was your day? Did the kids give you hell again?"

You groan, "Honestly...all the annoying ones find their way into my classroom."

Kiba laughs, "That bad, huh?"

You smile, "Don't get me wrong...I love those kids...even the irritating little knuckleheads...they can be a pain but at least they keep things interesting."

"Want to come to my place?" Kiba asks.

"Sure." You smile.

You had already been introduced to his family (a month after you started dating)...including his sister Hana, and you really get along with them. You often spend your spare time there...either with Kiba or hanging out with his sister.

You both go straight up to his room when you get there and it doesn't seem like anyone's home.

"You can lie down on my bed if you like, I know you're tired." Kiba smirks.

"Don't need to tell me twice..." you mutter and flop onto it.

"I'll be right back, I just need to go feed Akamaru." And with that Kiba dashes out the door.

In the meantime you make yourself comfortable and snuggle into Kiba's pillow, inhaling his familiar scent...

He doesn't make a sound but you can tell he is back in the room...and a few moments later you feel the bedside sag as he lies down next to you, snaking his arms around your waist and nuzzling his face against the back of your neck.



"You know what tomorrow is, right?"

"Uhu...your birthday."

"Got anything planned?"

You feel him smirk as he runs a hand along your behind, "Oh, I got plans..."


"You always assume the worst about me, don't you?" He responds with mock indignation.

You shift so that you're facing him.

"Well...I usually have a good reason to, don't I?" You smirk right back at him.

"That's why you love me..." He chuckles as he kisses you tenderly.

"I know..." You sigh then smile mischievously. "Which is why I think we should celebrate early..." You tug suggestively at his pants.

"Hmmm...and what might that be...exactly?" Kiba grins.

"Don't play that game with me..." You whisper into his ear.

"What game?" He chuckles.

You roll your eyes and in one swift motion straddle him and grind your hips against his, tired of playing verbal tag and wanting to get straight to the point.

"Heh, I knew you wanted me..." He groans.

"Kiba..." You glare at him.

"Whaat? I'm right, aren't I?" He chuckles.

'Oh, God...we're repeating the same conversation we had those two years ago...' you think to yourself.

"Yes." You respond.

"Good..." Kiba smiles gently. "'Cause I want you too..."

And with that the two of you make love for the first time.

You are busily engaged in about...oh, let's say your fifth or sixth session when you hear the door open.

You and Kiba freeze in your movements as you both turn your heads to look back at a staring Hana.

"O-Oneesan..." Kiba stammers.

You're too stunned to say anything given the situation (not to mention position) you are in.

Hana shakes her head, rolls her eyes, then sighs, "You guys are SO lucky that it wasn't Okasan to walk in on you...word of advice, lock the door or go do it at Kimiko's place." And with that she slams her brother's door shut.

"We should go to your place next time..." Kiba sighs.

You continue teaching at the academy whilst dating Kiba and on one night, you sit Kiba and his family down and tell him the truth about where you had come from...admittedly they have a hard time believing you at first...until you get both Naruto and Tsunade to back up your claims.

It takes them a little while to come to terms with, but heck, when's coming from another dimension ever been a reason to stand in the way of love?

Eventually you and Kiba move in together...and you can truly say that you are happy.


In a hospital room.

An older woman sits by a young woman's side.

Two nurses watch her.

"It's so sad..." One of them says. "Her daughter has been in a coma for more than three years now...

The woman turns to look at them, "I...don't feel as bad about it as some of you might think..."

The nurses hastily apologize.

"She's been smiling a lot lately." The woman continues smiling tenderly at the young woman in the bed. " the very least...I am glad that wherever she is...she's found happiness..."

Ending: 4

(A/N; I like Kiba, so this was fun to write...admittedly I was going to do a lot more and cram more choices in but come on with all the other characters I need to juggle...Thank you for reading!)

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