Call Spencer so he can have a turn

From Create Your Own Story

The thought of letting Spencer have a turn with the person who birthed you gets your cock hard again almost instantly. You run from the room, grab the phone and dash back to your mother.You dial the Shay's number.

"Hello?" answers a female voice. It was Carly

"Hey Carly, Lemme talk to Spencer a sec'"

"Oh...Kay?" she says confused. Usually the only time Freddie calls was when he wanted to talk to her.

She walks over to Spencer who is sitting on the couch.

"Y'ello?" Spencer asks.

"Hey Spencer I've got a little surprise for you. You have to come to my apartment to get it though.

"Ooh...What is it?!" Asks Spencer eagerly.

"You have to come find out!" You laugh.

"Be there in a sec'" he says, then hangs up.

You put down the phone just as you hear Spencer walk through the door.

"Hey Freddie?" Spencer calls.

"In here!" you yell back.

Spencer tromps into the room. You turn around to see Spencer standing in the door way with his mouth open. Can you blame him? He just walked in to find one of his baby sister's best friend standing next to his naked mother with cum dripping from her pussy.

"Uhhh...." Spencer says dumbly.

You walk over to him, grab his hand and pull him over to your mother.

"Well? Go on! Fuck her brains out!" Spencer mutters something incomprehensible, still staring at your mother's cum filled pussy. You notice he's built a tent in his pants while staring at your mothers cunt. Sighing in exasperation, you walk around behind him. With and all-mighty shove, Spencer falls on your mother. This seems to bring him to life. He stumbles up, Undoes his pants and frees his 7 inch cock. Your mother starts crying at the sight of it.

What does spencer do next?

He Shoves his cock into her pussy

He Fists her pussy

He slaps her face to cause more pain

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