Boy's bathroom

From Create Your Own Story

You pop open his belt buckle and unbutton his pants and are greeted with a fantastic seven inch respectable girth cock. You run a finger down his shaft and wrap your hand around his balls which fill up your hand and feel oh so heavy, and what is this clean shaven as well what a gentleman. You move your hand from his balls back to his cock and pull him into the Boy's bathroom. Inside you see a bunch of familiar faces as your fellow school sluts enjoy their morning prey against the back wall. You find an open spot between a black girl with small tits but one big fat ass who has a freshman pinned against a wall as she smashes her ass up against him over and over enjoying his cock, and the school's top twink as he sadistically blows the shop teacher while live streaming from his phone. You put your new friend smack in the middle and start jerking him off "What should I do with you stud?"

Wait for a response

Start blowing him


Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Light clothing

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Slut
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Everyone
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