Ask her why all the pancakes

From Create Your Own Story

You try to act nonchalantly about it all, folding one shapely leg over the other and cutting one immense pancake with a knife and fork. “Why all the pancakes, Christina?”

“Oh, no reason,” she says with an endearing laugh, flopping her ears this way and that, taking a bite of carrot-topped pancake. “Well, besides my need to eat a lot to maintain this girlish figure.” She stands and generously rubs a circle around her firm abs, lifting her shirt a little with each upward motion, showing the lower half of her breasts.

There is a knock at the door.

“Oh, and I might have invited a friend over,” she says with false innocence, but a huge smile. "He does get a little hungry, you know."

Furry Status (you)
Health 95 Equipment:

White Robe

Gender Female
Species Fox
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