Ask Suzy when breakfast is. You could use a refueling before you give her more loving

From Create Your Own Story

"I think I need some food," you tell Suzy. "When is breakfast?"

Suzy slides out of bed and dresses, and you follow her lead. "In a few minutes." She guides you to an elegant dining room, and you sit next to her. Apple, Heidi and Shinku join you, with the black woman and her companion sitting opposite from you and Shinku on your right.

"Our maid will be along in a moment with the food," Suzy informs you. "She's invisible, but very efficient."

Sure enough, several platters come towards you, apparently floating in the air. The invisible maid sets them down, fetches pitchers of milk and juice, sets them down as well and departs.

You help yourself to a generous portion of hotcakes, supplement it with some bacon and sausages, put butter and syrup on the hotcakes, add some fresh fruit to your plate, and pour a glass of juice. The women have done the same, and everyone prepares to dig in.

Health Horny Location:

The Doll House:Dolly Dining Hall

MP 0
Level 4
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