Arturia/Ruairi/Hold your ground *Light Dress 1* Wounded*

From Create Your Own Story

The wound in your shoulder makes you think twice about engaging the enemy head-on, you take a defensive pose instead. You dodge the attack of the first beast and parry the claws of the second one. They circle you and slash at you with their claws, but you defend yourself well with your sword and keep your distance. You suffer a few scratches and one of their blows tears open the front of your Dress, revealing your blood-covered body underneath it. They take a while to stare which almost gives you the idea they're turned on by your naked body, they're just animals tough so you quickly shake it off and drop the remainders of the dress. They'd only slow you down at this point. The beasts emit excited howls and attack you with vigor, but they only seem to be aiming to get rid of your sword or exhaust you.

You hold you ground for quite a while longer, but to your horror it isn't you who gets reinforcements first. Although you can hear victory cheers from where the others are fighting. A huge werewolf, much larger than the other two arrives on the scene. You have little confidence in fighting that beast in your current exhausted and wounded state. It stops to stare at you much like the other two did before, maybe they are actually interested in your body. Normally, this would be embarrassing to you, but you're in the middle of a battle. The enemy outnumbers you and you're wounded, not to mention you'd have a hard time fighting that huge beast in a one-on-one even if you were in top condition. Maybe you could use their interest in your body to buy some time until help arrives?

You :

Subtly strike some sexy poses to keep them distracted when you need some time to recover

You don't want to humiliate yourself in front of these beasts, your sword will be more than sufficient to keep them at bay

Health 60 Equipment:

Bloodied Torn Dress, Fine Longsword

Stamina 40
Mood Wounded & In Battle Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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