A Medical Appointment

From Create Your Own Story

You’ve got a physical this morning. Nothing serious, just a concern as you get older. A quick shower to wake up, then a change into day clothes, and you are off in your pick-up truck.

30 minutes pass, driving. An average time given where you live. The clinic is in the next town over. A bigger town that is less of a farming community, and more of small businesses for Mining Companies in the area. With several of the more popular chain stores and fast food. Until you get there, you pass beautiful scenery, rolling hills and shallow valleys. Until you pass over a small hill, where the town is on the other side.

The clinic is in the town called Rachson. And it is built to resemble a cabin. A wooden exterior, green shingled roof, and frosted windows. Over a wooden door with a window made at eye-level. You pass through, and are greeted by a receptionist , who doubles as a nurse, who raises her head from a computer and gives a smile. She’s pretty. Late Twenties-early thirties if you had to guess.

You walk to the desk between you and formally greet her. You give her your name, and she tells you to have a seat.

The Waiting Room is small. They have 5 chairs all pressed along one side next to the door you come in from. And on the other is the reception desk, with a TV above it before the ceiling, and the door the doctor comes in from. In the room already sitting down, a father waits with what looks like his son, and a lady clutching a small purse-bag in her lap.

There aren't many seating options.

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