AOTC: Discuss the invasion (Progress the story)

From Create Your Own Story

"We'll be invading Republic space within days." You say with obvious pride. Nox smiles in response.

"Yes, soon we'll have the whole galaxy at our feet, a perfect inheritance for our son."

"He will make a fine Emperor."

"Just like his father." Nox said, kissing you on the cheek before leaving to see to some business. You are alone now, so you decide too...

AOTC: Go see Fuxxy for your daily session
AOTC: Go practice your combat skills against your female sparring partners
AOTC: Go to your Sith Alchemy lab to check on your creations
AOTC: Go down and supervise the invasion preparations

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Attack of the Clones

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