Go down into the parking garage.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:19, 8 November 2017 by Ubunto123 (Talk | contribs)

It makes no sense to go upstairs when your goal is to get out of the building. You scurried down the steps towards the parking garage, the lights getting dimmer the further down you go.

Once you reached the parking garage level, the lights are so dim that you have to stretch your hands in front of you to avoid walking into a cement wall. Carefully feeling your way across the darkened lot, you squint your hazel eyes in an attempt to identify some kind of an exit. The garage is completely silent except the sound of your nervous breathing, your shoes clicking against the hard concrete floor, and the steady humming of a nearby power generator.

Suddenly, not far to your right, there was sound of a door opening and closing, you saw the two headlights of a car blink twice to a "beep beep" sound as a shadowy figure casually moved away from the vehicle. Probably just one of the company workers here, you thought to yourself.

Behind you, the loud bang of a door alerted you once more to your present danger. You spin around to see several beams of light swinging from side to side in the darkness, accompanied by indiscernible chatters from several men wielding the flashlights.

Standing frozen for a moment, you realize they will find you soon if you don't come up with a plan.

Hide behind one of the parked cars.

Ask the stranger for help.

Run in the opposite direction as fast as you can.

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