FO3 Shorts/When molerats attack! The untold pheromone story.

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You hear the radio crackle, then Three dog's voice comes in.

"Hello all my listeners. As you know, the Lone Wanderer's pipboy was found after she passed away, and she kept audio journals of all of her exploits. I have already played a few for you boys and girls, and this time I will play one titled 'Molerat pheromones'. After reading the Wasteland Survival Guide, I was always curious why Moria gave the chemical recipe, but the Lone Wanderer had warned about using it. I hope we can clear this matter up, because I for one want to know. Now, I have not listened to this yet, so you get to hear about her adventures with that crazy Moria before she turned into an...ewww...ghoul. So lets give a listen to the story of the Lone Wanderer and the molerat pheromones."

You hear the radio switch to the audio from the pipboy, some silence, and then a female voice starts talking.

Breath, breath, breath.

I am going to kill her. I am going to fucking kill her!

Get ahold of yourself. Breath. Breath. (The sound of heavy breathing comes over the radio)

I can still feel it. Oh god. Oh god. Breath. Breath. (More heavy breathing)

Okay, I guess I should just get this over with.

Journal entry, Molerat pheromone.

So, I took Moria's request to test her molerat repellent and pheromones. The repellent had worked wonders. I am not sure what happened, but one or two hits, and they almost exploded. One way to get rid of them I guess. I think she went a little overboard, with parts of molerats practically flying through the air, but the end result, almost none even got the chance to bite or claw me, and I forgave the pink mist.

So, I broke out the pheromone. I had to find another molerat den, since I don't think any were even twitching once I finished at the first.

I observed for a while, saw a few pop out of their hole. One stray dog was complete overwhelmed. About 15 of them popped out of their holes and completely annihilated it. I would have felt a little more sympathy for the poor thing if I hadn't been attacked by a pack of feral dogs a couple days ago. I am finding it hard to feel sorry for it.

(The voice tries the best imitation of Moria it can) "It should make the molerats docile. I created the pheromone after observing some molerats passively nudging and playing with another."

Yeah, did she ever think WHY THEY WERE DOING THAT!!!

Breath. Breath.

Anyways, so, I thought it would calm the molerats or something. I popped the top off, dumped the slightly oily liquid in my hand, and spread it all over my body, just like she said.

I then approached the molerat's den area, gun at the ready, in case it didn't work.

I was shocked. Instead of popping out, teeth bared and ready to attack, like normal, they started coming out slowly. A few came over, rubbed against me, and took a couple playful nips at my pants. Then, they started doing...something. It is hard to explain. They fought each other, but at the same time they also seemed to dance. Can molerats really dance? I guess a series of hops, showing their fangs. After a while, one came back and started nipping at my pants again. Then another joined. Soon, the nips turned into more, and I could hear cloth tearing, little pieces coming free in their teeth. I started to worry, but none had hurt me at that point, so I held my gun in check. Suddenly, they swarmed me. I was covered by 15 molerats. I could feel them all over me, claws starting to dig in, but not in an aggressive way. They covered my face, my chest, my arms. I also felt them taking more and more bites at my clothes, and could start feeling claws and noses and tails on suddenly exposed flesh.

I had enough, and started to bring my gun to realize, my gun was gone. I have still never found it, probably some strange molerat treasure inside their den. I hope they accidentally shoot themselves with it...

I started to feel panicked, when suddenly my "parts" were exposed to the air. They started nipping at my nipples. They started sticking their noses in my pussy. Then, I saw in horror that "other parts" were coming out of their body. It was...ugly...

I know what a human penis looks like. I have had more than one inside me somewhere before. But this...

And, then they started...putting them inside me...

(A shudder comes over the radio)

I could feel them everywhere, rubbing those things, with their spiky heads, all over me. They didn't hurt, at least before I passed out, but I mean, WHAT THE FUCK, I WAS BEING RAPED BY FUCKING MOLERATS!!!

Breath. Breath. Breath. (Deep breaths come over the radio)

Fucking bitch apparently got pheromones from a female molerat in heat!

Breath. Breath. Breath. (More deep breaths)

I am not sure what happened after they started. I passed out. When I woke up, I was greeted by a disgusted look on a merchant's face. My clothes were shredded, but the smell, oh god, the smell. Here I was, an almost naked woman, and he still gave me a look like I was a feral mutant asking him to dance. My skin was almost completely covered with their semen, almost green, sticking to me, scratches all over me, and dead molerats around me. I guess the merchant's guards killed them before helping me. I threw up right then, and after I was done I tried to get the stuff off me and only succeeded in causing myself to throw up a second time.

I was raw and hurt. I could taste it, like rotted food, in my mouth. I stood up and could feel it, dripping from my vagina. It was even in my ass... Shit, I took a bath in a nearby irradiated river. That was cleaner than what I was covered with.

(Sobbing sounds come over the radio)

Sorry, I can't record anymore. I will leave this entry here while I go figure out how to kill Moria. Tenpenny seems to want me to rig the atom bomb to blow up. Maybe I should do it. It would get rid of Moria...

(The sound becomes more muffled, and barely hear audio streams over the radio transmission) At least I can't get pregnant from molerats. Fucking MOLERATS! I swear, if Moria tells me to do one more stupid thing like this, I will detonate that bomb. And throw her over the rail right before it goes off! Next she will ask me to seduce a fucking super mutant or feral ghoul or something!

Wait, what the fuck. I told you off pipboy. Fucking off!

(Sounds stops to muted crying)

"Umm, well folks," Three dog's voice says over the radio. "I guess now we know why we should not use Moria's pheromones. And maybe why the Lone Wanderer decided to blow up Megaton?" (Slightly hysterical muffled laughter is heard) "You heard it here first. Take the lady's advice, and leave those pheromones alone. Three dog, out." (Before the radio clicks off, you hear a background comment of "Could you imagine if she tried the Mirelurk pheromone?" followed by loud laughter and a random "Ouch!")

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