D&D: The zombies win

From Create Your Own Story

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The zombies quickly overwhelm the looters. Two of the looters are dead though they kill one of the zombies first but the crossbow man fled as soon as his allies fell. Casting a spell you assume control of the wall and free yourself. Immediately the surviving zombie looks at and heads toward you. Yelling out a spell you quickly burn the undead monster up.

Walking over to the center of the room you inspect the dead looters and search them for anything useful. You pick out what fits you and quickly cloth yourself in a leather jacket, tight fitting pants and some shoes. The jacket barely fits and hugs your boobs hard while the pants dig into your pussy. You also find a small dagger, a bag full of coins, a lantern and the sack with your stuff.

Do you:

D&D: Find a hidden doorway

D&D: Continue down the open passageway

D&D: Get attacked by more zombies

D&D: Get attacked by the surviving looter

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