Young Love/ Tell Dwayne to fuck off

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"Fuck off!" You tell Dwayne as you roughly push his hand from your shoulder. He is completely unready for this and finds himself stumbling back a step. His lackeys look as if they are about to try something but Dwayne quickly pulls them back. "He isn't worth it guys. Come on, let's go see us some tight wet pussy. Maybe a couple of them will need their backs washed.. like Amanda."

You try your best to ignore Dwayne as you head into the locker room. Even though you know you made the right choice you begin to wonder if maybe Dwayne's psycotic hair-brained scheme might actually work. You are pretty sure that Amanda is completely faithful to you and Katelyn said she would watch her back for you but what if.. Not only that, if Dwayne is able to get to the showers without being spotted there is a good chance he maybe able to see completely naked. Not even you have seen your girlfriend completely naked before. Plus, knowing Dwayne, he would have his phone with him and would definitely take pictures.

You find yourself breaking out in a cold sweat. You look up at the wall clock. It's been at least five minutes since you left them. "FUCK!" you scream to no one in particular. Some of the other guys give you an odd look. You can't take it any more, you bolt out into the gymnasium ready to storm the girl's locker room. Fortunately you are only able to make it half way as the door burst open

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