Young Love/ Drink the alcohol

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< Young Love
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You down a third of the cup, and while the taste is god awful the effect is almost instantaneous. After some pressuring you are able to get Amanda to drink too with Katelyn finishing the last of it. The music suddenly becomes much louder, your hearts pounds in your chest and both Amanda and Katelyn are all over you.

Katelyn is no longer satisfied with teasing as she thrusts her hands down your pants and grabs your cock, jerking it roughly around. Amanda doesn't seem to mind in the least as she locks her lips against your own before deciding to use her tongue to lick your whole face.

Even with the club completely packed the three of you are starting to make a scene as Katelyn pulls at your pants until your cock springs free. "Fuck yeah!" Katelyn hisses as she glances over your shoulder and starts to aggressively jack you off in front of everyone. Amanda looks down and blinks a few times, perhaps unsure if she was actually seeing what she thought she was seeing. " boyfriend." Amanda sighes as she wobbles backwards, and looks definently at you and Katelyn.

Somewhere in the back of your mind you know you should feel bad but the alcohol is screwing with your equilibrium way too much. Instead you find yourself showering Amanda's clothes with your seed, as she shrieks in absolute hatred. The last think you remember before you completely black out is Katelyn pulling you in for a passionate kiss.

You slowly regain conscienceness; your head feels like it's about to explode. You find yourself in the back of a police car, your hands and legs both cuffed down and you are alone. You are still at the club but it looks closed and there aren't any cars in the parking lot except for the old cadillac Katelyn drove here.

You suddenly hear your girlfriend cry out in protest. You spin your head around just in time to watch a groutesquely large man dressed as a police uniform slam his cock into Amanda. You try to scream for him to stop but your too dehydrated and it's impossible. No matter how hard you struggle against the restraints you are unable to get free. All you can do is watch the cop rams his cock into your girlfriend as Katelyn tries to comfort her sobbing cousin. After about five minutes the man plows his cock into Amanda one last time before letting loose a long satisfied moan. You watch as Katelyn obediently gets on her knees and sucks the officer's cock clean before tucking it back into his pants.

"Now you girls get on home before I let your parents know what you've both been up to." The cop smirks as he slaps Katelyn on the ass and makes a shooing motion with his hand. The two girls don't even bother looking in your direction as Katelyn helps a broken Amanda to the car. As they cross under a street light you can see the cop's sperm oozing down Amanda's inner thigh.

When Katelyn pulls the car out of the parking lot the cop makes his way inside the patrol car. He sees you are conscience and smirks, "Those two young ladies were MIGHTY FINE. A damn GOOD FUCK. Seems I got lucky.. that sexy little red-headed was a virgin. Kinda wish I had broken that asshole in too. Oh well, I'm not greedy." He grabs his radio reciever, and calls a buddy cop informing him to be on the lookout for a cadillac with EKB 846 license plate. Letting the cop know that two female juvenilles are in the car. After he finishes, the fat fuck looks back at you with a reassuring smile, "Don't you worry pal, Larry has no tolerence for underage drinking. He won't let those to delinquents get away without a very thorough scolding."

As you can imagine, the path you have choosen does not end happily for our main characters. Please hit the back button or perhaps you should try starting from the beginning.

The End.

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