Falsely boost his confidence.

From Create Your Own Story

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"No way, man!" you exclaim, putting on your best dumbfounded look. "Shayla wants your dick, bro. I can tell."

Adam looks unconvinced and runs his fingers through his hair. "Doesn't look like it to me. It looks like she wants your dick, actually."

You completely agree, but instead of saying so, you just explain, "Must be because we're such good friends we can't help but want the best for each other. I'm positive she had eyes for you." Adam looks ready to disagree again, so you jump up and insist, "I'm going down there and sending her up. Get your game plan ready."

He doesn't stop you, so you quickly go down to the rec room before he can. The door is already open, so you're able to sneak in and catch a glimpse of them uninhibited - Shayla is lying on her back, tits heaving in her tight shirt, while Kara lies on her stomach and paints the blonde's toenails. The sheer perkiness of Kara's ass has you walking in further for a closer look, and they notice you.

"Hey there," Shayla grins, propping herself up on her elbows. Kara rolls over onto her side, showing off her touchable curves and smiles at you as well.

"Hey. Adam wants to show you something upstairs, Shayla." You fight the natural flirt out of your voice as much as possible.

"Oh? Okay." She hops up, tits bouncing freely, and walks gingerly over to you so her freshly coated toenails won't get messed up. Then, she asks, "I'm not totally sure where he is upstairs... will you show me the way?"

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