Sleep on Jean's couch

From Create Your Own Story

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Your head is still kind of fuzzy from booze (you were grateful not to encounter any cops on the drive over) and the headache which has been building is now kicking up a rumpus in your skull. It's only early evening but you throw yourself down on Jean's couch, wrap your arms around your bat and fall asleep.

You awake feeling disoriented but refreshed. After an initial groggy spell your head clears. Sister Anna's buzz was nice while it lasted but being back in complete control feels good.

You've had blankets pulled over you and a pillow placed under your head. You're also naked again. Jean must have undressed you. Your bat is lying on the table next to you with a note propped up against it. The note reads:

Figured I'd let you sleep. There is coffee in the pot and juice in the fridge. I'm not sure how you ended up wandering through the woods naked but for a beat-up old pair of sneakers, but go ahead and take whatever you'd like. I don't think anything of mine would really fit you, but some of my ex-girlfriend's stuff might. It's in the wardrobe by the bedroom window.

I have a few things to take care of so I might not be back for a day or so. Keys are in the candy dish.

Hot bod, by the way. You sure you're a nun? I'd have figured you for an exotic dancer or a porn star. ;)

Love, Jean.

You check the time. It's just gone 11.15 and you have the rest of the day to yourself. After some breakfast you decide to go try on some clothes.

You wander briefly around Jean's place to familiarise yourself. During the search you find a couple of guitars, recording equipment and assorted posters and flyers for a band called 'Gallow's Humour.' The pictures leave you in no doubt that Jean is the band's lead singer.

Her bedroom is as minimalist as the rest of the apartment. The selection in the wardrobe she pointed you to is a little disappointing but a couple of things spark your interest.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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