User talk:DirtyMeStoryTime

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:43, 15 June 2016 by Teejay (Talk | contribs)

Copying Platypus and creating archives! But please, don't leave me messages on my archive pages. Leave them here...

User talk:DirtyMeStoryTime/Archive1

Leave me a message. Naughty, nice, happy, sad, I love talking to people so want to hear from you!



In The Worst Ways

I know trans women don't generally get treated that way in real life, but I may be injecting a bit of my own fantasy into it. I mean, the whole thing started as my fantasies so lol. Surprisingly progressive rapists and burglars. In real life trans women struggle to get practically anyone who knows to accept them as a real woman.

But they are real women, and unless it's really necessary to the story overall I'd rather not have it be a big huge thing every time I want to write a sex scene for her. The alternative is me writing Janet being beaten or tortured by the burglars for having a dick, and I don't want to do that. Not right there, at least. Maybe in another branch and done by someone else.

As for your friend, I would ask them what to refer to them as. I'm betting she/her but it's better to ask and be sure. Then try to use those pronouns as often as possible as long as it's safe, even if they're not around. Like unless you would be revealing their transgender status to someone they want to keep it a secret to, it's best to keep using it. It may take some getting used to but it's worth it to show them you care enough about them.

They'll likely face many people who, often intentionally, will call them by the wrong pronouns. Having someone consistently use the right pronouns and name is a huge boost in confidence.

I'll see what I can do for the cafe next. I've kinda been doing things as they occur to me :v --In The Worst Ways 06:21, 26 May 2016 (UTC)

Try not to think of it in terms of you feeling like a guy. Think of it like, you feel like yourself, a woman, but your birth certificate says male, your parents raised you as a boy, you have a penis (which is not always a problem, plenty of trans women don't have a problem having a penis, it's other people that have the problem with it,) and unless you got the hint early and everybody was okay with it, you've seen a guy in the mirror your whole life. There's a lot more to it but that's the gist.

You want to look how you feel, you want people to acknowledge that you're a woman, you don't want to have the same conversations, the same questions every time someone finds out, you just went to be you, but all of this is difficult to accomplish.

Sorry about Marie's story. I kind of used her branch as a dumping ground for my darker thoughts for some reason. I was remembering pretty dark times and wanted to get those out. I was considering adding a couple of other characters once I've got more done on the ones I have on there. I have some ideas. Happier ones. Keep an eye out for those :v. --In The Worst Ways 06:53, 26 May 2016 (UTC) p.s. the answer is yes, I am, but don't tell anyone plz?.

I've considered getting a keyboard to use for my tablet, but the problem is we never have more than a couple dollars to spare. That, and my charger (which wasn't made for a tablet) uses the USB port and isn't very effective, so I have to keep it plugged in most of the time. If I had a replacement for the original charger this wouldn't be a problem, though.

It would only be a quick fix, but I would swing it if I could. Having a laptop would open up a lot more options even if it was a cheap one, and I'm hoping I can get one soon, or get the one I have to function as more than a paperweight. This tablet just generally refuses to work for making digital art, for instance.

The rules thing, I mean I can kinda understand because I guess they didn't even have a rules page for a while? But me personally I always try to find out just what's allowed somewhere before I put something up. I hate running into situations where I'm breaking rules or just generally fudging everything because I didn't know. Ran into that with the DeviantArt account I had made a long time ago for my explicit art. Which they don't allow. :v

Sorry. -- In The Worst Ways 20:52, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

Bluetooth. So, I have a wireless mouse that I wanted to see if it would pair with my tablet. Idk if the mouse is bluetooth or not but I figured I'd give it a shot. Well, after searching all through my settings, it looks like my tablet might not even be capable of Bluetooth. So, that's out I guess.

Having a chat based cyoa does sound like an interesting idea! --In The Worst Ways 19:36, 29 May 2016 (UTC)

Well, the back of it says Nextablet and I think it's android 4.1. Beyond that I'm not sure what information is important.

I've seen some terrible messages but I've never seen any quite that bad that I could still sorta tell what they were saying. I've seen some that were probably drunk at the time that, they were clearly typing something but fuck if I was ever going to learn what it was.

Makes me think of those ciphers where you're supposed to read one letter as another letter, like cddc actually means abba or ere means bob, but if they did it with whole words instead of letters. Like idk fish means cat and tree means deepthroat or something.

If you don't want to copy mine because you don't want to copy someone then it doesn't matter to me if you do. If you don't want to copy it because it's a huge pain in the ass then that's perfectly understandable, there's probably so many easier ways to do that and I just don't know them lol.

I was initially going to do mine so it looked more like AIM or YIM, which was kind of how it ended up looking the first way I did it, but your words in bubbles gave me the idea to try to make it look more like Facebook Messenger app, so I fiddled with that til it looked more or less like I wanted. Thank you for sharing that :v. -- In The Worst Ways 04:51, 30 May 2016 (UTC)

Thank you for making the template! I'll keep using that format for that conversation/that character's branch whenever chat comes up, but I think I may try something else for other characters/conversations.

I'm thinking something more along the lines of a box that looks kinda like a yahoo messenger window, especially if I can make it scroll vertically within the box. That seems like it'd be easier to reuse/make a template of, though I've never made one before personally.

I really need to get back to writing in general but IRL stuff's been on my mind. Rent stuff. -- In The Worst Ways 18:33, 6 June 2016 (UTC)

I will keep the offer in mind :v. I'm looking into a bunch of different things to hopefully keep this from happening again in the future. I completely understand not having anything left by the end of the month, not just from our current situation, pretty much my entire life has been like that with my family. We moved across the country because we couldn't afford the house we were living in. We were never able to keep a house longer than like a couple years, and we kept moving back in with my grandparents.

But yeah, if we can get through this month we're going to do everything we can to keep it from getting to this point again. Editing/proofreading definitely falls within the realm of things I can do, thank you for offering :v. -- In The Worst Ways 17:49, 13 June 2016 (UTC)


E-mail sent. I was offline all day today, just now had a chance to pop on.

You. You are my dirty nerdy girl. *blows kiss* -- Teejay

I know zilch about programming. Strictly an applications guy.

How many computer programmers does it take to change a light bulb joke?

100. 1 to change the joke, and 99 to submit "How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb? Incorrect, that is a hardware problem." -- Teejay

Email replied to. -- Teejay

At least they tried, and despite a few typos, I thought they did a reasonable job. It's not the best I've ever read, but it's not anywhere near the worst either. -- Teejay

You could tell that the author was young and male. But with a bit more practice, they'll learn what words to avoid and their writing will mature.

It took me a few years to get it down. This was my first successful effort:

It's not easy to write from a woman's perspective if you're male, but it is doable. -- Teejay

How about "The Best New Breasts"? -- Teejay

I don't know if I have such a hat, but I'll try.

"The Breast New Thing!" "Perfect For Breast Men!" "New Discovery -- Stay Abreast!" -- Teejay

I'll post one more option for The Exhibitionist, and hope it cheers you up. And I'll beam over nice thoughts. -- Teejay

Glad to hear it. I'll still send over nice thoughts. -- Teejay

Send the rain over here, we could use it. :) -- Teejay

Just reading that link made ME want to slice that teacher's throat. I can't stand when authority figures (of any gender) use their position to abuse vulnerable minors. -- Teejay

I know it's real. And you've been through things I don't even want to imagine. I hope you always have a loving, caring partner from now on who can help you keep what happened quelled. -- Teejay

Just read what you posted in reply to Fredhot16. And now I feel really honored. You know very well why.

P.S. -- I think you're a beautiful person. And that has nothing to do with your looks (although you are nice looking.) You've been through so much, and somehow emerged without being totally shattered. You're a terrific writer and an amazing an courageous human being. Like I've said before, I wish you and your husband and child many years of happiness together as a family. -- Teejay


Hey there, got your message on my talk. Thanks for the compliments, didn't think anyone was reading, it made my day. Just remember, when you read my stories; it doesn't have to end in sex :D Do you think you could leave a link or something on my story where I went wrong? I got lost trying to find the correct story branch that I was looking for. -- 117 P.S: Still getting used to messaging people on here. 26 May 2016

There we go. I've edited it and I think that's everything. Thanks for looking out. --117 27 May 2016


The whole pink dildo thing makes me think of the thirteen-year-olds in science class snickering because the teacher said 'Uranus'. Yes, I think this one is very young.

The idea of an invisible story is kind of amusing, though. --Platypus 16:43, 26 May 2016 (UTC)

That penis is between you & Zenclair. I'm not touching it. --Platypus 09:57, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

Your fantasy is no stranger than many of the fantasies that make up SSR, and it's possibly more normal than many. I'm sure I can find a place in SSR where it could be worked in. --Platypus 15:36, 1 June 2016 (UTC)

You new review idea looks like it's got potential, especially since the old reviewer seems to have permanently retired. --Platypus 15:46, 3 June 2016 (UTC)


You might want to sit down and get comfortable. I know we haven' talked in about a month so here's a month's worth of talking. (Note: This may seem incomplete but that's because my computer is a bit wonky and what I had previously wrote disappeared when I had to close the window. I'll finish it later.)


Sex scenes: You know what...I don't necessarily DISAGREE with you.

Think I've been here too long: Hey, remember the Adult Story CYOA "Now you're a girl!"? I found myself thinking about how the potential was wasted in the story as one could easily write the guy exploring his new body and it wouldn't even be too outlandish. The thought made me realize I've been hanging around the dark sections of Create Your Own Story for too long. And yet I can't...stop...looking... P.S The sheer scale of spelling and grammar mistakes on this website is just short of "Kill myself by setting myself on fire" depressing. Nobody even tried to double check their work and fix common mistakes. Spell checking isn't hard! Ah, well, guess there's only one thing to do: I call forth the power of Grammarskull! ‎

Too many ideas: I think the biggest problem I have is that I have too many story ideas to work on. There's about 5 CYOSs listed on my introduction page and I have about 15-17 story ideas outside of this website. The sheer amount of content I have planned for all of these ideas is truly staggering. That's why I haven't been able to pull my weight on the collaboration with Teejay over Anime School. Also, this is the month of Ramadan so I won't be able to touch any of the Adult CYOSs until July 7. Edit: Heh. You really want to compare? Just say the word.

Anime School:

Common descriptions in CYOS: I've noticed that common breast descriptions are either of the buxom variety or they are commonly described as "small and perky". Are...are small and perky breasts really that popular? Also, the habit of describing breasts by band width and cup size like 52D or 42B is WAY too common around here. Writing is supposed to help you imagine what's been written. Using measurements as descriptions doesn't help visualize breasts as I don't think most people could quickly imagine what the size of the chest is by knowing the bandwidth and cup size like that. I mean, if you're using measurements in a profile, that's...possibly acceptable but it doesn't do to be in the actual narration.

CYOS that needs some love: There's this CYOS called One Princess, Four Princes, Choices in the Mature Story section that's woefully without much content. Maybe you could give it some good old CYOS love?

--Fredhot16 17:23 (Louisiana Time), 9 June 2016

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'd rather read about YOUR sexual adventures then the sexual adventures those fictional women with breasts the size of their heads. Also, I don't think they're really trying to learn how women work, just how BEWBS work. Eh, at least they're learning something. I'll give them that. Edit: and by them learning, I was forced to learn it as well! And knowing is half the battle! The other half, apparently, is lots of rampant sex. --Fredhot16 01:17 (Louisiana Time), 11 June 2016

Oh. Ah, well, you see, I wasn't really-I can see why you would think that but-come on, I don't really think that you don't have a life! You look like the coolest OG, yo! You know...just lying on the a dress, gown, negligee, whatever... presumably sleeping off a hangover...well, your "Winnie the Pooh" thing under the pillow looks kinda neat. That definitely proves you have a life! Also, how long until you get a better internet connection?--Fredhot16 15:57 (Louisiana Time), 12 June 2016

Hey! How do you know I'm not a girl, too?--Fredhot16 16:28 (Louisiana Time), 12 June 2016

Alright, 4 things:

A. Random question: who do you like, Wolverine or Cyclops?

B. Are the pictures you've put on your page pictures of you or just random pictures?

C.Hmmm. Could be a girl. May be I'm just a anthropomorphic "gril". What if I am? Would it matter?

D. You know, I think you just might be one of-scratch that, the only writer on this website I have a inkling of respect for because you're the only writer who actually CARES about her work, who's trying to write. You seem to put more effort in your writing then I've seen in 90% of adult CYOSs and for that, you have my regard.

--Fredhot16 12:44 (Louisiana Time), 14 June 2016


I just wanted to thank you for the friendly help you offered me a few days ago, I am really new to writing stories in this format so it is taking me a while to get a handle on all the correct ways to link things together. It is really nice to have someone looking out for these thing. P.S. I only just figured out how to respond to a message so that's why it's taken me this long to thank you. I am really happy to take advice from people on how to do things, hope I am a good student. By the way I am not sure how the signature thing works so I hope this works... --Darkfry 13:38, 31 May 2016 (UTC)

Yes, I am over 18, I'll give some thought to your Exhibitionist story, no serious ideas right now but I am sure can think of something you would enjoy writing (; --Darkfry 08:02, 2 June 2016 (UTC)

I am not too sure how you want the option formatted, I left you an option under the link you have created on the stories front page. Hope you have fun.--Darkfry 10:36, 2 June 2016 (UTC)

That is a rather interesting piece of information, I suppose the symbolism is something I could consider working into the story, the story is supposed to be location neutral (it could be in any country), so it does need to relate to a broad variety of cultures, and things like that can add depth. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Glad someone is reading it. :) --Darkfry 10:57, 3 June 2016 (UTC)


I'm following basically the same rules as you but I decided to work from Z to A under the assumption a lot of people start moving things to the pit and give up way before they get to the end. I did find a story from 2011 with less than 20 pages somewhere under 'Y' I think. -- Hellspawn 9:00 29 May 2016 GMT

Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for editing may talk/about me what so ever. I m just getting started with this whole "wiki" thing. ... And to prove it I nearly messed up your talk page. nearly. --Zehir 16:44, 6 June 2016 (UTC)--

Messages from Clara


From TheWriter (Female, btw)


I read some of your stuff. You seem like a fun girl.

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