Karin drags you into the altar of Zoion

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Karin leads you to the left, and you follow a long and twisting passageway. After walking for several minutes, you come upon an arched door in the passage, effectively forming a small room. You notice the walls in this room aren't like the other catacomb walls--they're natural stone. As you brush your hand over it, Karin laughs. "That's natural bedrock." she says. You didn't realize you had traveled that far down into the earth. "This altar actually predates the modern catacombs, as well as the mansion. It's one of three chambers that were discovered here about a decade before the construction started on the mansion," Karin reveals, "but in actuality nobody knows exactly how old they are--only that they're ancient."

At the far end of the room is a heavy wooden door. You start towards it, but Karin grabs your arm.

"Not so fast, darling. We have to prepare first. Zoion is the lord of bestiality, and entering wearing clothing is one way to invite some wrath. At least, that's what I've heard. Supposedly the archaeologist who first discovered this place met with a pretty bad end after going in clothed. You should go in at least naked. Over time though, some of the other members that were brave enough to come down here have suggested wearing one of these." she says, as she tosses you a small length of chain. It takes you a few seconds before you realize it's a collar, as the two end links are made to lock together.

"Are you ready, slut?" Karin asks playfully.

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