South. I want to know what these Spires are!

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 04:49, 28 May 2012

"South." You have no idea where you are, or really who you are, but for some reason you feel as though you need to head to the Spires. Somethere is calling you...but not with words. With an indescribable emotion something akin to fear but far warmer...

Mei-Kou nods. "Ah...South it is, then. You'd better hold on tight, because the winds can be pretty-"

At that very moment, the winds shifts quickly, catching Gragonith's wings and wrenching them upwards violently. The dragon lets out an ear-splitting roar, trying to tuck his wings against his sides and sending all of you rolling down toward the ground. Caught off guard, you quickly lose your grip on the dragon's mane and fall free. Your scream dies in your throat, and you reach out in a futile attempt to grab onto something. Your hands get only air, and you fall.

Above you, Mei-Kou launches himself from Gragonith's back toward you. He holds his arms to his sides, dropping toward you at an alarming speed. Once he is close enough, he reaches out and grabs ahold of your sleeve. Pulling you to him, he rolls in the air so that his back is to the ground and begins to mumble in a strange language that you can't understand.

You quickly realize what he's planning. The fall will likely kill both of you, but he's trying to break your fall to increase your chances of survival!

You quickly try to recall anything you may know about skydiving...when you're free falling, spreading yourself out makes you fall slower. If both of you held hands and spread your arms might slow your descent just enough for Gragonith to rescue the both of you... Or you could let Mei-Kou do whatever he's planning and hope for the best.

What is your choice?:


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