2T4U/Stick with the plan and enter the cave
From Create Your Own Story
"You're doing the right thing, niƱo." he smiles before handing you some kind of calculator. "This is an EMF meter, it measures electromagnetic fields. But most importantly: it will help you see if a spirit or a ghost is anywhere near you. I doubt you'll find any such beings down there, but it's always good to be prepared.". You take the gadget, and then crawl down through the opening in the stone, descending into a moist, ice cold cavern that seems to lead further into the mountain. Whatever sunlight that was visible from the cave opening falls behind as you press onwards into the darkness. Sharp stalactites glitter evilly in the glow of your flashlight; and you can't help but think they look like the teeth of some enormous monster, whose jaws you're willingly entering as you walk further and further into the freezing tunnel. It's eerily silent, the only sound available being the empty echo of your own footsteps.
Part of you is starting to regret having ever agreed to all of this. Witches? Curses? It all sounded like make-believe back in the Janitor's office, but now that you're here they almost seem like a dangerous reality; one you're facing alone and unarmed, far away from home. Your wiener however, has somehow managed to still remain hard. And the uncomfortable feeling of it pressing against your pants serves as a stout reminder of why you agreed to this.
After what seems like hours, you suddenly see a dim, yellowish light in the end of the tunnel. Following it, you find yourself in a natural chamber of sorts, with several tunnel openings along its walls. The actual light, however, comes from a crack in the low roof, where bleak sunlight seeps through. Overall, the chamber seems like a comfortable change from the other caves. It's slightly warmer in here, and a few green vines can be seen growing amongst the rocks, bringing life to an otherwise dead environment. The only bothersome detail is the ominous stone wall etched with strange writings.
You inspect the wall more closely. On the boulders surrounding it lay wax candles which seem to have burned out centuries ago. At the very top of it is a crudely carved pentagram, but the text itself seems to be in latin. Fortunately for you, your history teacher Mrs. Collins taught you some of the language when you were studying ancient rome; so you're able to decipher most of its writing. "Loquimini verba magicae - Evocant veneficas", "Speak the words of magic - Evoke the witches".
This all sounds like it could be useful information! If you manage to call forth the witch; you could probably end the curse right away. Now you just need to find the magic words; whatever they may be.