...swing your sword at the knight's horse

From Create Your Own Story

You feint a swing at the knight's chest, then suddenly slash downwards, ripping open the neck of the horse the knight is riding on. Simultaneously, you slip your own body sideways and the knight's swing glances off your armor.

You turn your horse again in time to see the knight topple off his horse, which collapses to the ground. Before he can react, the now unhorsed knight is simply overrun by a swarm of levies, stabbing at him with daggers and spears.

One of them must have found a weak spot somewhere, because the knight's bleeding body being dragged back towards your lines is the next thing you see. With their leader dead or gravely wounded, the other army begins fleeing the battlefield.

Now you see what they were defending. A small (by your modern standards) town. Without you even needing to give an order, your men swarm towards it. Within an hour, every useful thing in the town has been taken, primarily food but also some tools and weapons, and the women and children captured -- the men were presumably the other army you routed.

15 minutes after that, the remnants of the town are on fire (the correct order having been followed -- pillage, then burn.)

You have the children sent back into your country, away from the war zone. The very young ones will be trained as soldiers for your side, while the older ones will be turned into laborers, since they have a memory of being on the opposite side and think of your side as the bad guys.

You let your men do what they want with the women, who are the spoils of war. Except for one regal-looking redhead, the wife of the knight you defeated in combat. You have her sent to your tent, naked and with her hands bound.

"You!" she hisses angrily. You promptly have her gagged. You don't feel like hearing her whining.

Health Horny Location:

Medieval Battlefield

MP 0
Level 5
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