(Main) - Do as the assistant told you.

From Create Your Own Story

Feeling your heart beating, you kneel on the carpet of the living room, a few meters from the howlet, that is looking at you deeply, like if he was trying to read your mind.

You hold your arms, with your hands opened and shaking due to the stress of the inevitable judgment the pokemon is going to make, that is only a matters of minutes, or seconds if he doesn't find you to his liking.

You look at him, with a serious face, trying to explain without saying a simple word or sound why you want him to follow you on your adventure ... Thinking of you, exploring the unknow, having your team with you at any instant, and sharing everything together.

One minute has already probably passed, and the howlet didn't make any move, still looking into your eyes.

He rotate his head, without moving any feather of his face, like a key trying to open all the locks of your brain, wanting to know your deepest intentions, by looking into your emotions.

Twenty other seconds passed, and finally, the small bird did make his head go back to its normal angle.

He makes a step forward.

You can't help but to start to smile a little, thinking that it's a good start, even if the tension is unustainable, as you feel like your heart's activity could stop at any moment due to the suspense.

After what seems an eternity, but probably only a few seconds, he steps forward once again, reducing the distance a lot this time.

He is at the same distance of your hands, still opened, but you don't move them. You have to make him do the entire move, or it won't be relevant. You want him, and he has to be waiting to go with you!

The lab assistant, that was looking at the ritual since the beginning, finally break the silence:

"Well, it's the first time he makes a move other than simply turn his head back... Seems that you got his attention like never one did before. But I'm not sure that it will be enough."

This sentence was all you needed to regain your calm. You slowly smile at him and whispers to the bird that was still looking at your without blinking:

"Come here, little Howlet. Do you want to be my first pokemon best friend?"

His eyes oepened a little , as if he was surprised.

You continue, taking more assurance: "Do you want to travel the whole world with me? If you do, let's have a big hug to celebrate this!"

He doesn't seems reluctant to the idea, but don't make a move. He seems to be thinking about what you said, as if he perfectly understood it, and was imaginating his future, his own one, and the consequences it will have.

After a few seconds of reflexion, he finally let a small howl of approval, smiling at you and make a few small jumps with his claws before finally unfold his wings to jump on your belly, huging as much as he can with his small body.

You cuddle him too, and straches the top of his head, overjoyed by having this pokemon as your new partner, and being the only trainer he wanted to be with.

He seems to appreciate your treatment a lot. If a bird was able to purr, you suppose that he would be purring already.

You face your mother (that seems the have a really proud smile on her face, nearly crying from the emotion of seeing his son gaining the trust of his first own pokemon) and the lab assistant, before saying:

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Information Panel
Current location: Living room of your mother's home, Saffron City.
Actually wearing: Black T-Shirt, underwear, blue jean, socks, back shoes.
Your Team: You don't have any pokemon at this moment.
Inventory: Pokephone
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