(Female Hitman) Burn The Hotel Down Anyway
From Create Your Own Story
You toss the match at a pile of pine needles in front of the hotel door. They go up in flames, sealing the main entrance and exit; the fire spreads inside, and you hear a shrill wailing as the smoke detectors trigger the fire alarm. A few hotel guests try to climb out the window; but it can only be opened half way, and so none escape.
Some chick runs out the entrance, screaming as flames take hold of her clothes. There's no reason for anyone to think this was anything other than an accident, so you leave her to her misery, rather than put her out of it. You walk around the building, then open the fire escape from the other end. Your target begins to run down the corridor, and right as he's about to pass by you, you grab him by the throat.
'Ben Ffolkes.' You try to keep your tone level, but can't. 'You fucking bastard. You murdered your wife; raped your daughter; and you are going to rot in hell.'
Kicking him in the stomach, you slam the fire escape door in his face, holding it shut. A fifteen year old girl runs down the corridor, hammering on the glass, trying to get out. You recognize her; her picture was in the folder. This is Ben's daughter, Sarah; the girl he raped. The girl he rapes whenever he gets an erection, if rumors are to be believed. You could let her out, but then again, that would give Ben a chance to escape.
|(Female Hitman) Let Ben and his Slut Daughter Burn To Death||