"Let's start at the top"

From Create Your Own Story

"Let's start at the top," you say.

"All right," says Holly. "Follow me."

Holly leads you out of the living room and through a hallway opposite the one you came through earlier. She opens a door on the left, revealing a steep and narrow flight of stairs. On the second floor, she takes you a short distance through another hallway and opens a door on the right. This set of stairs leading up is even steeper and narrower. Finally, she leads you through several passageways on the third floor to a spiral staircase. "This leads to the tower."

The two of you climb to the very top. Emerging in the tower room, there are windows on all sides. You can't help but admire the view of the mountains and forests. In the distance in the other direction, smoke comes from the burning city.

"I like to come up here when I need to clear my head or want to be by myself," Holly says. "It's about the closest thing you can find to peace in this new world."

"It does feel peaceful," you say, looking out over the mountains. "Hey, what's that?"

Something is flying through the sky, rapidly coming closer. It looks like...a flying saucer?! Suddenly, a strange blue light envelops you and Holly. Everything goes black.

You open your eyes, finding yourself in a strange, metallic room. There are several other people there, including Holly, Jack, Annabelle, and others that you don't recognize. You turn around and gasp when you see a window...and through it, the whole planet Earth below you.

A door slides open with a hissing sound. A blue alien enters the room. "Welcome, Earthlings. We have been sent to rescue as many of you as we can from the zombie apocalypse. Once the ship is full, we will take you to our planet, where you can begin new lives."

You look around at the others. "It could have ended a lot worse," you think. Once you get adjusted to life on the new planet, it should be pretty good.


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