"Let's just keep going on foot."

From Create Your Own Story

"Let's just keep going on foot," you say. "I don't trust any of these drivers."

"Me neither," Alia agrees.

The two of you continue walking, finally stopping to make camp again when the sun goes down. You eat the last of your meager food and drink the last of your water for dinner.

The next morning, you wake up already parched with thirst. As you continue on your way, it only gets worse. The dry air combined with your continued physical activity is making you lose hydration much faster than normal.

"We can't go on like this," says Alia. Her eyes are starting to turn red.

You run a finger through your long dark brown hair. It's not too late to try and get a vehicle...

"Hey, what's that over there?" Alia shouts suddenly. "It looks like a spring!"

You turn to look. Sure enough, there's an inviting-looking spring in the distance, away from the road.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Browning pistol, grenades, data drive, cyanide capsule

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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