Turn away and pretend that you don't hear them

From Create Your Own Story

You ignore them, turning your head away to the emo, whose face has been smashed in on the wall, blood dripping from the visage. The horrific result of your work almost makes you smile, but you stifle it in place as the guards unlock the gate to your cell.

He walks towards you, seemingly calling for your attention. Once again, you ignore him.

PSSSH! A swipe against your jawbones was made. One of the guards had hammered his billy club against your cheek, causing you to fall off your bed. While falling, what's left of your consciousness tells about the grin that seems to have appeared across that guard's face.

"HEY!" you quickly regain your footing. "I HAVE MY RIGH-"

The guard doesn't care about your rights, scoring a fatal blow on your face, tearing your jawbone off with his club. You are about to suffer the same fate you had cast on your cellmate.

What do you do?

Status Bar
Health 65 Equipment:
Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Hermaphrodite
Social Group Criminal, Disabled, Punk
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