The brunette

From Create Your Own Story

You approach the short-haired brunette, who eagerly reaches for your thigh, licking it in an effort to arouse you. She appears to be in her early 50's, with pale skin and a long, sinewy neck that looks like it could fit well over two feet of cock, a fact that somehow peaks your interest.

"What's your name?" you ask. The human looks up at you with surprise. Apparently nobody's asked her that in a long time.

"Bethilda..." she responds while massaging her way up along your thigh. "Bethilda Marion."

You unlock her shackles with the keys next to the pen. While bewildered at first, she wastes no time in pulling them off.

"Get up." you then demand. Easily obtained or not, she's still way older than you'd like for your mate to be. You sigh, "I've... chosen you to be my mate.".

For some reason, she starts crying instantly. Hulking and sobbing, she thanks you repeatedly as she crawls up on her feet, hugging tightly onto your arm before the two of you leave the stables.

The trip home was somewhat uneventful. Your mate wept out of gratitude for the first twenty minutes, then eventually calmed down. Mellow and content, she then asked you all manners of questions. You replied with few words, still upset about being stuck with a hand-me-down from the breeding stables. There'd be hell once you got back home.

And you were right. The moment you get back, the villagers gather around you, with your parents at the far back. Everyone laughs, shouts insults and even throws a few rocks until your brothers intervene and chases the crowd away.

With a furious look, your father marches over. "Ten generations! For ten generations the men in the clan of Soft Springs have prided themselves in hunting mates. I was given one sexually strong son, and he goes for the washed-up whores from the stables?!"

"It was the safest way." you defend yourself. "I'm not as strong as my brothers, I'd only get myself killed if I..."

"She's older than me for crying out loud!" your otherwise peaceful Dark Elf mother snaps. "That whore probably can't even carry children anymore!". She spits on the ground in front of you before promptly storming off.

"You're no longer a son of mine." your father sneers and waves dismissively with his hand. "My home is off-limits to you and whatever kin that dried-up rag manage to spawn."

He then storms off with your three brothers, leaving you alone by the village's entrance. Bethilda, your mate, rubs her veiny hand against your cheek in consolation. You knew they would mock you, even dislike you for it. But being disowned? That was something you hadn't prepared for.

The village will, regardless of your choice, build a home for you and your mate... hopefully. But that will take time. So, in the meantime, you could either try and move in with your brothers, or live on foot until your house is built.

Health Horny, mated to Bethilda Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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