Race back downstairs and help Annabelle

From Create Your Own Story

Annabelle needs your help, now. You race down the stairs as fast as you can. There is a pile of dead zombies in front of her, some with bullet holes in their heads and some with no heads at all.

Ana decapitates another zombie with her axe, her empty rifle on the floor next to her. But she is about to be overwhelmed. You got here just in time. With a shrill, high-pitched shriek to get the zombies' attention, you greet the first one with a crossbow bolt to the skull, then draw your pistol, blowing away several more undead.

Only two are left now. You and Annabelle look at one another and nod, then she throws her axe with the skills of a softball player, braining one enemy in the middle of its forehead. You stalk up to the other and backflip kick its head off.

"Are you all right, Ana?"

The nurse checks herself for bites, then nods. "You got here just in time. Thanks, Marina." She looks around. "They took me by surprise. They were already in the castle."

Health 90 Equipment:

Crossbow, pistol

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