
From Create Your Own Story

You force yourself to keep walking forward, feeling your way along the wall. The bats continue to attack you relentlessly. Their claws dig into your back, your arms, your legs. Unable to see where you are going, you trip over a sharp stalagmite rising from the cave floor. Your knees smack the ground painfully and you scrape the palms of your hands as you attempt to break your fall. Adrenaline propels you back to your feet as another screeching bat drags its claws across your back. You feel a thick, warm wetness dripping down your back. Blood. Your head starts to swim.

You groan through gritted teeth and reach for the wall once more. You can feel a cold breeze on your skin now; you must be getting closer. You feebly swipe at the swarming bats only to have one latch onto your forearm with needle-sharp teeth. Another bat swoops in pushing you back into the wall with surprising force. You try to push through the swarm, feeling every scrape of bat claws on your exposed flesh. Their wings beat the sides of your head, the sound filling your ears until you can hardly think. A bat flies up in your face and you jerk backward instinctively, smacking your head against the cave wall. Head spinning, you fall forward onto your hands and knees.

As you drag yourself toward the source of the breeze, you notice that everything around you is getting lighter. You are not, in fact, blind. The darkness around you lightens until you can see the shadows cast by the cave's natural features and see the black forms of the attacking bats. Some of the bats have gotten their claws stuck in the fibers of your clothing and they flap all the more violently in an attempt to free themselves. A bat bites your ear and a wing gets close enough to your face to scrape across your cheek with a clawed tip. You feel light-headed as blood drips from your wounds. Your shaking arms give out, and you're lying on your stomach, trying desperately to pull yourself forward toward the light.

You turn the corner and catch a glimpse of the source of light. A statue rises up before you, nearly as tall as the cave ceiling. It is a naked young woman with two pairs of wings sprouting from her back, one set outstretched as if in flight, the other set wrapped protectively around her body. In her outstretched hands is a small green gem that glows with a faint light. You find yourself reaching toward that light. Despite everything, the sight of it fills you with peace and...hope?

You glance behind you and catch sight of a tall figure approaching you out of the shadows. Is it a man with...horns? You turn back toward the light and drag yourself closer. If you could just reach that light, you're certain you'll be safe. The light seems to glow brighter for a moment, then there is a flash. Behind you, you hear a sound halfway between a groan and a howl, but you lack the energy to turn and look. Your body feels heavy as lead. Your shaky arms give out and you're laying face down on the cave floor before the angel statue. You realize that the bats are no longer attacking you, their screeches pained and distant. Your vision slowly goes dark once more as you pass out on the cave floor.

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