Pokesex/Boy/Hoenn/Torchic/Oldale/Head North

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You take the northern road out of Oldale. There's not much to see, just trees and grass and a couple of ledges. Then, after maybe five minutes of walking, you come to a dead end, blocked off by seemingly impassable trees. You're about to turn back when you see a familiar face, or more accurately, a familiar body: May. You approach her, and she doesn't hear you coming until you're pretty close. Then she turns and sees you.

May: Oh, hi Brendan! She sees the pokeball in your hand. Oh, did my dad give you a pokemon? That's awesome. I've always wanted to be friends with all sorts of pokemon, it's kind of been my dream, you know? Oh yes, you've already heard her ramble about it. How about we battle, right now, so you can have a taste of what being a real trainer is like.

You would love to get a taste from her, just not exactly the one she's offering. Still, you're new at this, so maybe it would be good to learn the ropes, and hey, maybe you'll get a "reward" if you win.

You: Alright. What do we do?

May: First one to knock out the other's pokemon wins.

She takes out a pokeball and throws it. When it pops open, a Mudkip comes out. You send out Torchic. Neither pokemon knows any real abilities, so they end up just beating each other with their arms and claws. There was some useless growling thrown in there too. In the end though, while Torchic did get pretty hurt, Mudkip falls first. You do a manly arm-pump in celebration and recall your pokemon.

May: Wow, that was pretty good. I guess you've earned this.

She gives you $300. You look down at it.

You: What's this for?

May: You won, so you get half of my money.

Health 27% Equipment:


PP 27%
Level 8
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