Listen to Camilla’s proposal

From Create Your Own Story

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“You are a beautiful girl Sharon but you have been walking down the wrong road your entire life.“ She begins and looks at you with more affection than you thought she was capable of.

“What I’m about to say might sound drastic at first so approach it calmly and you will see I am right.

“Society as we know is disappearing; the core family unit is being replaced with egocentric individualism. I do not know exactly what has caused this but I do know that disgusting things such as Sabine’s art is a part of it.” She takes a long breath before continuing.

“What people don’t realize is that this core family is what’s holding us a part. We need this family unit to grow healthy as individuals. What I want is for you to marry my husband’s brother then move in next door to us and form a sort of commune. This commune will be based of Christian values so you have to convert to Christianity if you accept. In this commune you must serve your husband like a perfect wife and father him many children while also be completely loyal to the head of the family. ”

“And that head of the family is you I assume?”

“Sharon you mustn’t think of this as something selfish I should only lead because I am most able. And your mother, she can be in on this to, my husband has another brother whom she can marry. I know how she suffers Sharon, remember that I meet her when she was called to the school to discuss your behavior”

“You really think that mom will agree to that? Being married to my husband’s brother that is.” You ask.

She will come around to our ways I assure you. I promise you that you will be happy Sharon. We will all be a safe, happy family. My husband’s brother’s name is Barry by the way. He’s a strong willed man whom you’ll learn to love easily. So Sharon what’s your answer? ”

Camilla might have painted it as paradise, but in fact she’s just describing her dominance fantasy. The fact that you’re blond and blue eyed is probably the only reason she’s offering this position to your mother and you. Her version of a family unit would probably be approved by Hitler. But more importantly, is this what you truly want?

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