ESB: Tap on the glass and wake Luke up.

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Luke isn't unconcious, just asleep, so you decide to try and wake him up and see how he's feeling, aside from a raging erection. Tapping the glass with your nails doesn't get him going, but knocking it with your nails seems to work. He stirs awake, very disoriented by his new surroundings. He does spot you pressed against the window, and though you can't see his mouth, you're certain he just smiled at you. You also noticed the bulge in his underwear seemed to have gotten even bigger, and the head begins to poke out his underwear. He's unaware of this, or is ignoring it.

You can talk to him, but he can't talk back. What now?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Princess Leia Organa
The Empire Strikes Back

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