Lady Van Helsing/Slice its neck with your blade

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< Lady Van Helsing
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Catching the creature off guard, you draw your knife and slash the blessed silver across its throat. The flesh parts before your knife, leaving a jagged wound. Thoughts of easy victory are dashed by the sight of the unbleeding wound rapidly closing, leaving the creature as unmarked as it was moments prior. The creature screams in rage and leaps at you, colliding with you and throwing you against the wall.

As you land, the back of your head strikes the masonry at an odd angle and you hear something inside you snap. You body instantly goes limp and senseless, and try as you might you cannot move anything below your neck. The creature stands up again and faces you, preparing for a second blow. Seeing your unmoving form, however, it changes its approach. It slowly pads up to you, then gingerly taps your foot. Finding you unresponsive, it proceeds to brutally undress your paralysed body, shredding your clothing and leaving you bare on the hard stone. The creature grasps your legs,spreading you wide and revealing your vulnerable sex, then plunges its cock up to the hilt into your unresisting womanhood. Quickly thrusting, it brutally rapes your immobile body, using you as a living, concious sex toy. Though the blow has mercifully robbed you of any sensation below your neck, you are still forced to endure the horror of the sight and sound of your body being abused for a beast's pleasure.

After a short time the creature's thrusts become shorter and quicker. It pulls itself from your abused snatch and points its penis down at your face lying in on the dirty stone floor, and then lets out a growling cry as it cums, spraying your body and face with its seed. It coats your entire face with the contents of its balls, semen entering your eyes, your nose, your mouth, while a portion also stains your body, coating your stomach and breasts. Finally exhausted, its penis softens and withdraws into its sheath.

This is not the final indignity, however, as it takes your leg between its teeth and tears off a portion of your flesh, chewing it slowly and swallowing it. Your sanity slips away as you are forced to watch your body, slowly bit by bit, becoming food for the monster that paralysed and raped you. Though you remain conscious for far too long, by the time it has finished your legs and begun on your torso, you have mercifully died from blood loss. That fact doesn't bother the beast at all, who continues to devour your corpse, your flesh disappearing down its seemingly bottomless gullet. Finally nothing remains outside its distended stomach but a skeleton, and it returns to its nest to sleep off its meal.

Several days later, all that remains of your flesh is pushed from the beast's colon and out onto the desert sands, becoming a treat for the next dung beetle to pass by.


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