Lady Van Helsing/Push aside such thoughts and go check on Dr Dexter

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< Lady Van Helsing
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You will yourself to look away from the mummified penis and exit the room. "I am a Lady, a vampire hunter, and a van Helsing!" you think to yourself as you walk towards Dr Dexter's room. "Even under this curse, I must retain my dignity. That monster will burn in hellfire for this!"

Fortified with your anger, you push open the door, expecting to find Dr Dexter dead like Dr Frinks. Instead, you are surprised to find the room empty. The bed has not been slept in, and there is no clew as to Dr Dexter's whereabouts.

There is a monster on the loose, and the curse she has placed you under is beginning to threaten your sanity. You must take action, find the creature and destroy it.

You decide that the best course of action would be:

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