Suggest stepping out the back door for a smoke

From Create Your Own Story

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“There’s a back door by the bathrooms,” you say.

He looks at you, and then nods. “Fuckin’ A. Lead on.”

You take him down the hallway, and as you pass the daddy he says, “slut” under his breath. The smoker doesn’t seem to notice, though. As you press the door open and step through, you find yourself in a small, tight alley behind the bar, where two large garbage dumpsters are set, and the scent isn’t the greatest. The light from the street isn’t doing much here, but it’s a little brighter than the dimmed bar.

“I’m Len,” he says, and lights a cigarette. As he takes his first deep drags, you watch his tanned face and introduce yourself. He nods, and you chat for a bit in the cool night air. His t-shirt, up close, says “MacDonald Landscaping.”

“You’re a landscaper?” you ask.

Len nods. “Yeah.” He breathes out, then frowns, looking at you. “Ain’t seen you here before.”

“First time here,” you admit. “It’s my birthday.”

He grins, and puffs on his cigarette, finishing it. He stomps it under one construction boot, then takes a deep breath. He pulls out the pack again.

“I’m gonna have another. I got two left. You want a smoke?” he asks.

You say...

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