German Wehrmacht, during the defense of Omaha Beach

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Your name is Klaus Hiltz, a German soldier during World War Two. You've never really been behind the Nazi Party's goal, but you've never had any other choice. It was either serve in the Wehrmacht, or be shot as a traitor. You were one of the luckier German soldiers, as you were never forced into invading any foreign countries or committing any acts of genocide. You instead served most of your time in the Wehrmacht guarding Germany's beaches, a dull and mentally-crippling task.

The date is the 6th June, 1944. A cup of watered-down coffee and kneeling on one knee is all that's keeping you awake right now. Hitler's increasing paranoia has spread thin the ranks of the German army, and your shifts guarding the beaches have been becoming longer and longer through the night. Your rifle, a Karabiner 98 Kurz, lies leaning against the wall of the bunker which you occupy. You through the firing ports and across the water beyond the beach. Just like the last hundred times you looked out, there was nothing. It was a waste of time guarding these beaches, you think to yourself. You're jolted from your half-sleep by your commander shouting.

"Incoming! Alert! Incoming!" You spring to attention, and shift your position slightly. You can now see the incoming Allied crafts coming towards you slowly. The adrenalin in your system starts flowing, and your brain begins processing the information. You could stay and fight, or you could keep your head down and wait for the assault to fail. After all, it looks like you outnumber the Allies.

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