Possessed/Contact your best friend naked, Melly

From Create Your Own Story

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You open a voice & video chat with your best friend Lisa. She's wearing her casual outfit and grins a bit when she sees you naked. Her blond hair is knotted on her head. She has nice round cheeks with some red rouge on them.

Lisa: "What are you doing?"
You: "Just wanted you to see me."
Lisa: "Oh, I can see you alright."
You: "So can I see you, then?"
Lisa: "What do you mean?"
You: "Take off your clothes! Let's talk naked."
Lisa: "Oh I don't know, what if my mum sees me..."
You: "Come on, it'll be fun!"

Lisa sighs and gives up. She goes to close her door and then returns to the cam. She takes off her shirt, revealing her puffy breasts. They're a lot bigger than yours even though she's also sixteen. She pulls down her pants and shows off her pussy to you.

You: "You're so damn pretty! I want boobs like those, too!"
Lisa: "Aww, thanks! You're not that bad looking either! So, wanna do it?"
You: "Umm, sure!"

Lisa closes her eyes and starts fingering her pussy. Then she opens them up to see if you're doing it, too. And you are. How could you resist the urge? You both keep going, until Lisa comes to a climax. She makes a loud scream, and suddenly her mother enters her room.

Lisa's mum: "What did I tell you young lady?"

Before you get a chance to see what happens, Lisa closes the chat. You get so frustrated that you don't want to keep going any longer.

Possessing naked Melly
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