Let Carol inject you

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:36, 22 February 2009 by Teejay (Talk | contribs)
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You have nowhere to run, and even if you did, running out onto the streets naked doesn't sound like an appealing plan. You hold still and feel the needle enter your skin, and seconds later you fall unconscious.

When you wake back up, you find yourself lying on a soft bed. "Welcome back, lover," Carol's voice purrs. "The collar is an electronic device. You can freely wander the house, but it prevents you from leaving through the front door... which is the only exit. Don't bother trying to remove it. The only key is in my locked safe."

You get to your feet and look at the full-length mirror. You're still naked except for a metallic device around your neck.

"The portion next to your skin has a leather-and-silken coating, so it won't chafe," Carol explains. "After all, I don't want to harm you. Would you like a quick tour of the mansion, or would you like to get back on that bed and have me jump your boner -- I mean, bones -- right now?"

You look over at her naked form. She writhes seductively, causing you to instantly become fully erect.

Health Horny Location:

Carol's Mansion

MP 0
Level 5
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