A small-titted blonde girl with a small waist.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:21, 28 November 2008 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

Indeed, you can see the long back-reaching blonde hair in the edges of your vision. That's definitely you in the mirror.

You can hardly breathe.

"Oh, at first I'm sure it's confusing," the one who changed you says seriously. "But just relax, OK? It takes a long time for the mental stuff to settle in. The body changes fast, but the mind is slow to be altered."

That just makes you panic even more. What the hell is she talking about?!

"I guess I should explain, huh? Even though I don't feel like it, it'll make it easier if you understand." She sighs, her fingers resting on your naked thighs. "It's complicated, and I'm not allowed to say much yet, not to a newbie like you... but I can give you a general idea. See, that stuff you drank from my breasts? I was... changed, to produce that stuff. Anyone who swallows my 'milk' will be changed into a girl, well, a hermaphrodite to be precise... but, you're more girl now than guy. Not only did you lose all that muscle, but you've lost that manly voice of yours..." She chuckles. "And a few other things. Things I'm sure you won't mind missing, like those hairy legs and chest. Of course, your body will produce semen... That's one of the few things remaining. Population has to sustain itself, you know? But the rest of you is almost entirely female now."

"Who, what, why, when, where, how? I'm sure you've got a lot more to ask me, but that's all you get right now. That's all I'm obliged to give anyway. You'll have to work to learn more."

She laughs beautifully, letting you fall from her arms onto the bed. She slides off, gathering her clothes up off the floor.

"You know, this is my fourth try? The other three tries, the first guy... well, his dick came off. Just be glad it was successful. God, that was a mess to clean up. Rest up, will you? You can sleep in here the rest of the day, don't worry about your roommates or your other things... I'll alert the proper people what's happened, you'll be transferred and no one will know the difference. Just get some sleep, will you? A good slave is rested and ready for the next day."

The blonde unlocks the door and leave her bedroom, shutting it softly behind her.

You stare at the ceiling, finding this a little beyond surreal.

Do you:

Welcome to the University
Health 5 Equipment:


Gender Hermaphrodite
Height 5' 4 feet
Weight 115 lbs
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