Nemesis (RE3)
From Create Your Own Story
After S.T.A.R.S.'s discoveries in the Spencer Mansion, Umbrella Inc has been trying to find a way to finish them off once and for all, to eliminate potentially dangerus witnesses without drawing too much attention from the law enforcment. The havoc in Raccon City proved to be a perfect opportunity since there were so many dying there thanks to the zombies and renegade BOWs (Bio Organic Weapons) that no one would care about another dead person. Also this was an excellent opportunity to field test the newest invention by Umbrella, the Nemesis T-02. The perfect killing machine who, unlike it's predecesors, is capable of thinking and operate various machines like the Stinger rocket launcher he has been outfitted with. But the truth is that Nemesis dosn't even need any help to kill it's target becuse it has superhuman strength and a rapid regeneration capabilitys.
After you has been inserted by drop pod from an helicopter you immeditly begins to think about you're next move. You could start searching for the remmaning S.T.A.R.S. members but you could also decresse their chance of surviving by secoundary methods like destroying the police road block at main street, ambushing rescue teams or shooting down rescue helicopters.
What do you do?
Search for the remaning S.T.A.R.S. members (Nemesis RE3)
Destroy the police road block (Nemesis RE3) To incresse the level of zombies and BOWs in the area
Ambush rescue teams (Nemesis RE3 To decresse the level of backup for the S.T.A.R.S.
Shoot down rescue helicopters To remove their chance to escape by air