Girl Scout Camp/Agree to help Mira look

From Create Your Own Story

"Alright, fine but let's make it quick".

Mira looks straight and you and smiles. "Thank you so much! I'll lead the way".

Mira takes off on the trail towards the parking area, quickly enough that you have to put in effort to keep up. The trail she's taking is not the main one, and as a result it has more bumpy and uneven terrain than normal. It also feels much longer. You look at your watch impatiently and decide to speak up.

"Mira what are we doing?"

Without stopping, she replies "We're looking for Ms. Lowenstern of course".

You speed up and grab her by the arm. "No, why are you dragging us on this trail instead of just taking the direct route?"

She looks down in her hood "Because..." She says the last words too quiet to hear.

"Mira are you seriously going to" you say with force, but then Mira cuts in with a shush.

"Shh keep your voice down. Let me explain."

"Sorry, just. Calm down, and speak slowly."

Mira takes a few breaths "Okay. I think Ms. Lowenstern has been... taking advantage of some of the campers. I overheard some of the campers talk about secret hookups. I thought it was just a rumor, but I started hearing it from different girls. The details of who or when or where were never consistent, one would say out on the boats, another say after the volleyball game, one of them even said in the middle of a swimming lesson. I've been investigating ever since".

She's obviously talking about you, but you feign a look of concern. "Okay... but why Ms. Lowenstern?"

Mira contemplates for a second "Well, I thought it was Jim and first. I went on patrol last night and I caught him and Emily sneaking back to Emily's tent. I confronted them but they swore they'd only been having sex with each other all day". You notice that Mira's voice falters when she says sex.

"That just left you and Ms. Lowenstern. I thought for sure it had to be you and I was going to confront you at lunch, but when I told Ms. Lowenstern she laughed it off and told me to let it go. It's what girls do at camp she said. Then she hand picked Kim and whisked her off for an errand. That was a red flag I couldn't ignore".

You take a moment to count your blessings. You don't know how you would have gotten out of it if she publicly accused you. Before you can say something, Mira puts a finger to your lips.

"Do you hear that?" She tilts her head, and you can see her eyes narrow as she focuses. She takes off down the trail, and you take off after her.

You both arrive at the grassy clearing of the parking lot. You can make out Ms. Lowenstern's van.

"Mira?" She points to the van and cups her ear, signaling for you to listen. You close your eyes to concentrate and you can hear, just barely, heavy breaths, and low hushed moans. You turn to say something to Mira but she's already heading towards the fan.

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