Go down the right passage

From Create Your Own Story

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You don't know who - or what - is walking around in this tomb, but you'd rather not face too many of them at once. You begin making your way down the right fork.

After turning a sharp corner, you suddenly come upon a pile of half a dozen skeletons lying on the cold stone floor. There is something different about these, however. Tattered bits of modern clothes cling to the bones, and some have guns clutched in their bony hands. These must be the remnants of the men that the Arab in the Cairo underworld sent to explore the tomb. You check each of the weapons. All empty...as if the men had been shooting desperately, fighting a terrible and losing battle against whatever had attacked them...And these men were only sent here a few weeks ago. Their bodies should not have turned into skeletons this fast. No, some foul magic was at work here...You examine the corpses more closely. There isn't much there, but near one skeleton you find several small sticks of dynamite. Feeling that they could come in handy, you take them with you.

As you make your way deeper into the tomb, a strange, greenish glow begins to emanate from the walls, gradually growing brighter as you go further down. Soon you no longer need the light from your lantern. You finally emerge in a long, straight, high-ceilinged hallway, with arches every dozen yards or so and ancient Egyptian statues lining the walls. Though most of the passage is lit by the greenish glow, the far end is shrouded in darkness.

Suddenly, an undead, walking skeleton emerges from the darkness. It holds a bow in its bony hands, and has a quiver of arrows over its shoulder bones. Six more skeletons, armed with swords and shields, then come into view.

Drawing your revolver, you fire a well-aimed shot at the skeleton with the bow. A neat round hole appears in the center of its skull, but it appears unaffected by it, and inserts an arrow into its bow. With a curse, you perform a no-handed cartwheel and the arrow flies safely between your legs as you are upside down.

You are already moving as the creature reaches for another arrow, throwing your athletic, feminine body into a roundoff followed by a series of back handsprings towards it, timing your backflips perfectly so that each arrow it fires passes harmlessly between your legs as you flip. You finish your tumbling pass with a full twisting layout, brutally kicking the skeleton-archer with both of your booted feet and completely destroying its skull. The headless skeleton crashes to the floor.

Landing gracefully, you draw your sword and begin slicing and dicing your way through the other skeletons, decapitating them or simply hacking them to bits. For the final creature, you trip it to the floor with an elegant sweep from your long leg, then simply stomp hard on its skull with your entire weight, squashing it completely flat.

Enjoying the adrenaline rush from combat, you smile and pump your fist. You pick up the bow, admiring its elegant carving. You are expertly trained in archery as well as firearms and swordswomanship, and you know this weapon will be a lethal addition to your collection. As you gather up the arrows, you nod in satisfaction at the dynamite you collected earlier. With a stick of dynamite attached to an arrow, you now have an explosive weapon that should be able to take out dozens of enemies at once.

You examine the end of the hallway more closely. A heavy stone door is set into an archway. In one of the side walls is a small tunnel opening, looking just big enough for you to crawl through.

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