Send them to your boyfriend's best friend (Skater) (f)

From Create Your Own Story

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You scroll through your phone's contact list until you see a name that stops you. Chris. He's your boyfriend's best friend. The two of them have been friends for years, but you barely know him. He has a girlfriend though and the four of you have gone on a few double dates. Sending the pics to him would be so bad, plus risky. What if he told your boyfriend? How will it feel when the four of you hangout and you know that Chris has seen you naked and doing all these things? Fuck it, you have to find out. You click his name and attach all of the pictures. You scroll through them one last time. It is undeniably you in the pictures, your face showing clear as day. Plus of course every inch of your body. With a shaking hand, you hit send and set your phone down before you freak out.

"So who'd you send it to?" One of them asks.

"A boy named Chris. He's my boyfriend's best friend, but I don't really know him that well except from our double dates." You reply. You lay back on the bench and drape one leg over the side, spreading your legs wide.

All the boys eyes lock on to your pussy as one says, "Wow, why him? Isn't that a betrayal to your boyfriend? Plus aren't you embarrassed if you don't know him well?"

You blush as you acknowledge him, "Honestly those are both reasons I did it. I love my boyfriend, but it feels so good to be a bad girl like this. And yes it's so embarrassing! Now when we hang out, he will imagine me like this. I wonder if he will try and get me naked in front of him?"

"Would you?"

"I don't know to be honest. I know it sounds bad, but probably yes as long as my boyfriend wasn't there. I don't want him to see me yet." You reply, blushing again at the irony. Suddenly you hear your phone buzz. You grab it and see you have a reply from Chris.

  • I think you sent this to me by mistake. Don't worry, I won't tell your boyfriend. But wow, is that the skatepark Beth? Who are those boys? Why are you naked!?*
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