The PK Boys/I like him back

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"I....I like him back. L-like a lot." You start feeling the heat in your cheeks, causing you to cover your cheeks. Claus then grabs your neck. You move your hands down and you stare into his eyes. You hear a sort of growling come from him. You two stare at each other, the only noise being the growling coming from him. After a decent amount of time, he lets go of your neck.

"Don't fucking hurt him. Understand that?"


"Good. Now have a good time with him. Oh...and there's this awesome sunflower field in Mii Park. Take him there." You smile before thanking him and running off. Lucas was on his phone, just doing some internet scrolling.

"Yo, Luke, I've got something to show you." Lucas looked up at you and smiled. He pocketed the smile and stood up.

"Wassup." You grab his hand, interlocking your fingers.

"Just follow me." You walk off, dragging him behind you. He blushes from you grabbing his hand.

"There's not much of me following with you dragging me, and all."

"Just deal with it, Lukey." You can hear Lucas giggle at the name, making your heart warm up a bit. Lucas was always easy to make giggle, but now, after verbally telling his brother you like him, it makes more of an impact on you. You want him to giggle some more.

You drag Lucas through Ultimatum and soon make it to Mii Park, which marked the direct center of the entire city of Ultimatum. This park was the biggest park in all of Ultimatum. It was a playground, a normal park, a water park, a nature reserve, among other things. Overall, Mii Park was one of the main attractions of Ultimatum. The park was big enough to need a sign. You looked at it and saw the various attractions the park held. Before Lucas could get a view of the sign, you cover his eyes. "Keep your eyes closed. I want it to be a surprise."

"Awww, ok." You look back at the sign and see the various attractions within the park.

Where do you take him? You could take him to the sunflower field Claus told you about. Lucas loves sunflowers, pretty much everyone knows that. But that's not the only location here. You could also take him to the zoo. Lucas likes animals quite a lot, especially snakes. Finally, there's the plain field mainly used for picnics. There are benches there that the two of you could relax in. It would disappoint him just a bit, but he would still enjoy being with you.

Take him to the Sunflower Field

Take him to the zoo

Take him to the plain field

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