Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Red Light/Boss

From Create Your Own Story

< Saya | Black Dress | 2 | Borias Hemilton | Red Light
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Offcourse, being the meathead he is, the bouncer takes you to his direct superior instead of Eliana. While he obviously knows nothing about any new girl called Ayase, he does look a ton smarter than the bouncer. Which, offcourse, isn't saying much. He waves his subordinate away and invites you to sit down, looking you over like merchandise. "So, you're Eliana's cousin are you?" he asks while touring you and observing you from all angles.

You know, if you were to just confess thats a lie and tell me the real reason you're trying to get in here for, I might consider hiring you. You frown. He continues "If you were really related to Eliana, you wouldn't be here" he answers simply. You giggle, this guy isn't half as bad as he looks. True enough, Eliana looks after her own, so she would have made sure any family of hers were brought directly to her.

You :

Tell him to go ask Eliana

Tell him you just wanted to make some quick money

Tell him You just wanted to get inside of the dressing room

Health 100 Equipment:

Black Dress

Stamina 100
Mood Playfull Inventory:


Purse {{{Gold}}}, {{{Silver}}}, {{{Copper}}}
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