D&D: HEW: Forget about it for now and do something else while waiting

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You decide to forget about the tax collector for now and focus on the now. You are still in the staircase. Ilara is upstairs, practicing her lesson. You could go up there and help tutor her better.

You also have your own experiment to advance. You've made extensive use of the tower's laboratory and great reference material. You've taken care to avoid the topics of the previous owner and focuses on less forbidden magical arts.

Downstairs, you catch a glimpse of the door that leads to the lower level. You've known this to be the lair of a succubus that the previous owner bounded to his will. You're group slayed her at great personal cost... Mostly physical weariness and personal ego. You shiver as you remember the ordeal you and the group's fighter went through. It was the cleric's power that aided you in slaying the creature. You haven't visited it since that time. You wonder if the creature had any interesting things of value.

D&D: HEW: Go to the study and tutor Ilara

D&D: HEW: Go to the laboratory and advance your researches

D&D: HEW: Go to the lower levels and explore the succubus's lair

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