BF1 It's all goes dark (1)

From Create Your Own Story

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As you see your dad fall out of tree you don't think you react "dad look out" you push him out of the way and get it. Everything fades to black.

It feels late your head is a swirl you moan as you rouse "mom?" You call out

"There there" a gentle feminine voice calls out you hit your head"

"I had this crazy dream I went back in time" you start still very dark unable to see a thing

"Well your back safe in 1955” the voice replies

"1955!?!?" You dart up as the lights come on. You open your eyes and see the young women you saw earlier, now dressed. "But your my... your my... who are you?" You sputter. You're are so confused.

"I'm Lorraine Baines. Calvin" she says you regain your wits.

"Calvin why are you calling me Calvin.?"

"Well that's your name isn't it Calvin Kline? It's written all over your underwear. "

Shocked you lift up the blanket you're not wearing your pants "Um where are my pants?"

"Over there on my hope chest. I've never seen purple underwear before" she giggles

She's about to pull the blankets off

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