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VRX 9000: Sex Games

5) The Summer Cabin Series - Warrior Anime Characters

The Setting

Welcome to the Summer Cabin! For today's game we give you a beautiful rustic cabin deep in the beautiful hill country of west Texas far away from wondering eyes. The cabin is nestled right in the center of several acres of prime land filled with beautiful rolling Texas hills, trees, cacti, boulders, and the occasional dead log or cow skull. With the scorching Texas summer heat going outdoors during the day isn’t recommended and the windy gravel roads make travel slow if not uncomfortable. The cabin itself is a small but comfortable one-story cedar construction boasting four separate bedrooms as well as a smaller but home-like grand central room.

The Summer Cabin boasts a long, scenic drive from the main road through several acres of beautiful Texas landscape ending at a long gravel driveway with an inviting large front porch. Walking up to the house brings you back to your childhood with a tire swing off to the right with a rocking chair and swinging bench on the front porch. The front door is a fine crafted rustic reminder of old elegance opening up to a beautiful grand central room filled with all sorts of rustic antics and amenities with a beautiful glass pitcher filled with iced tea waiting for its guests next to the door.

The great room just past the front door looks like it was plucked right out of a movie with beautiful log walls adorned with themed and exotic decorations such as stuffed animal heads, antiques from the golden days, and stunningly artistic pictures of the countryside and cattle ranching. The great room itself brings the kitchen, living room, dining room, and office all together into one large rectangular room in a masterful way. The sides of the room have two different door each that both lead to four different large, spacious bedrooms meant to host a large amount of guests at one time. The front and back walls include large, clear windows giving a great view of both the front and back porch as well as the gorgeous surrounding landscape.

Inside the great room it has a quaint little kitchen in the top right with beautiful stone counters sprinkled with modern appliances for the new age. Below it is a large thick oak table able to sit at least ten people with room to spare. It has beautiful bowls of fake fruits, candles and candle holders, and gorgeous handmade linens and silverware. The top left of the great room hosts a small office with two long, ornate desks with another hint of the modern area along with everything an office computer needs including a printer, shredder, filing cabinet, and just about everything else you would need to work from the Texas countryside.

Last but not least the great room includes a large and very comfortable living room taking up the majority of the great room shunted slightly towards the lower left corner. It has a large L shaped couch filled with Texas-crafted and decorated pillows and wool blankets along with a beautiful hand-crafted coffee table that is big enough to be a table in its own right. Against the left wall is a large flat-screen TV along with a stereo system for those that want to party when renting out this beautiful cabin.

Looking out the back windows of the cabin you’ll find a long, beautiful uncovered porch with its own outdoor shower partially open up to the wilderness for that old-timey feel. It also sports a hot tub for the cold summer nights as well as a string of lights along a portion for those that fancy themselves party-goers. Past the porch is open land as far as the eye can see including a beautiful rope hammock and a small creek in the distance.

Finally a walk through one of the four bedroom doors in the great room brings you into four surprisingly large and well-furnished bedrooms each sporting a king-sized bed. Each room has a modern touch with small personal fridges, their own personal laptops for use, as well as their own TVs will all of the amenities. Each pair of rooms have a door to a shared bathroom as well as a large closet. They all sport smaller windows that do a great job of bringing in that valuable natural light during the day.

The Closet Four Rules

The game consists of twelve players which are broken into teams based on an introduction game called ‘The Closet Four’. The players set up the game app on all of their phones which randomly determines which of the four players are the starting closet four. The last eight players are then randomly put into teams of two.

After all of the roles are determined the four closet players go into the designated bedroom and turn on the game app while the other eight players wait out in the great room and relax. During this time the game app will determine the starting condition in which each of the closet four must be presented for this round of play. The four players should have a stash full of bondage equipment, sex toys, and restraints available for game play which they should bring with them into the bedroom. Based on the game’s instructions the four players help each other into the listed items and finally restrain themselves inside of the closet. The game will always allow one player an easy restrained ending so that they will be able to close the closet door once everyone is ready and handcuff themselves inside the closet.

Once the four closet players are ready the app will alert the other eight players of the slave that was assigned to their group as well as their method of breaking that slave. The four options for breaking the slave are bondage, pleasure, teasing, and hardcore. The eight teams are then to go into the bedroom and furthermore the closet of the bedroom and reveal their slaves enjoying the sight of their initial bondage and condition.

Each of the four teams are then to take their designated slave and split to the four different bedrooms of the Summer Cabin on a first come first serve basis. Once everyone has designated that they have claimed a bedroom the game will begin. Each team will then race the others to get their slave player to submit based on one of the four methods designated to them. If the team gets the bondage method they must get the slave to submit using bondage tools and restraints. If the team gets the pleasure method they must get the player to submit based on an overload of pleasure and orgasms. If the team gets the teasing method they must make the player submit by the constant need to orgasm. And lastly if the teams gets the hardcore method they must make the player submit by rough, hardcore sex.

The game will be played a total of four times with every player being one of the closet players once and on a team to break them twice. The game will attempt to split up the players as much as possible so that they all get to play with as many other players as possible and as many different break techniques as possible.

The Scoring System and Draft

During each of the four Closet Four matches the players will be rewarded with points based on their place. The two players on the team that break their slave first will both be awarded three points while their slave will come in last and get zero points. The second team that breaks their slave will both receive two points while their slave receives one point and so on and so forth until the points are reversed at last place.

For the most points the closet players will want to last as long as possible while the team players will want to break their slave as fast as possible. The game app will inform everyone on when each team is finished as well as record each round for the purposes of making sure each team breaks their slave by the appropriate method.

Once all four rounds are over the four players with the most points will become the mistresses of the main game afterwards. In the case of a tie which happens pretty often with this style a tie-breaker round will occur. The players that tie go through another round using an equal amount of the lowest scoring players starting from the bottom as their closet players. In the tie-breaker round the players will no longer be on teams and instead have to break the other players individually. The winner will claim the contested top four spot and the losers will claim the following spaces as necessary.

With the top four players determined the game then goes into a draft mode for the main game in which the four winning mistresses select their slaves. The first place player picks one of the remaining eight losing players for her team. Then the second place player, and then the third then fourth. Once all mistresses have a slave then the process starts over and the first mistress picks one then so on until there are four teams of three with two slaves and one mistress each. The players are now ready for the main phase of the game.

Lastly, many players opt for a bonus round after the draft to get to know their slaves. In this game this extra option has been enabled. After the draft each mistress will take their two slaves into one of the four bedrooms and get an entire hour to get to know their slaves and enjoy a well-deserved bonus.

The Chair Tournament Rules

Once the Closet Four game has concluded and the teams have been determined the gaming app will then commence with The Chair Tournament. In the chair tournament the four mistresses battle each other in breaking the other’s slaves vying to be the last one standing. The game will move from the four bedrooms into the great room where space will be made by removing the large coffee table in the living room section and pushing the couches back. Four wooden chairs will be placed in the open section arranged in a square shape.

The game will then start into numerous rounds. In a round each chair will be filled with a slave chosen by each of the four mistresses. The slave will have no clothing but otherwise will not be restrained in any way. The only rule for the slave is not to leave their chair. Meanwhile the mistresses will bring all available sex toys, bondage gear, and restraints into the great room and place them onto the large dining table for use. They will then take turns trying to break the other slaves in whatever fashion they’d like. They may even use their own slaves.

The mistress whose slave submits first loses and no longer continues to play. The mistresses whose slave breaks second and third stop playing at that time but are not losers. The mistress whose slave lasts until the very end wins. The winner claims the loser’s slave as their own and the game continues into the next round with a small break between rounds for the mistress to figure out their strategies and train their slaves.

Once a mistress has lost all of her slaves she automatically is placed as a slave onto the mistresses’ team with the least amount of slaves. If there is a tie for least amount of slaves a tie-breaker round is played between the tied mistresses. Each mistress will have ten turns to break the mistress turned slave and the one to break her in the fastest time claims her. On the rare occasion that neither mistress can break the mistress turned slave then the mistress turned slave retains her mistress status and replaces one of the mistress claiming her and her team as slaves.

The game will continue until there is only one mistress left standing with all of the other players as slaves under her command.

Following the game the winner gets a long victory round enjoying an entire week at the cabin with the other players enjoyed as her sex slaves. She will also have a special webcam session with each of the losers which is broadcast determined by the players choice before the game. In the Warrior Anime Characters game the players have determined the sessions will be broadcast to the world shaming all of the losers.

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